Saturday, April 28, 2007

Day 5 without the Computer...

Preface: I think I'm going to do a post every other day, barring any special circumstances. I mean, there are only a few ways you can say something sucks, or doesn't. That said...

Things that suck:

1. Work! BORING! I want to stab like 2/3 of the people I work with...

2. Not being able to erase things easily...(use a pencil, you say? Sucks to your ass-mar!)

3. People keep telling me about websites. I have to say "I can't use the computer." You can't use the computer? What are you, Amish? Yes, I'm Amish in a Puma jacket...douche.

4. No Porn. Can't do it the old-fashioned way. No imagination left. I close my eyes and...bupkis. Thank God for the GF...

Things that don't:

1. Still reading, still sweet. The Tipping Point, highly recommended. Malcolm Gladwell. If you don't know, "you'd better axe sumbuddy," as the kids say.

2. Go Blue Ink. I forgot what a whole written page looked like that had nothing to do with school...

The hand-written post...

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